Cards and Descriptions

Air   Air, New (0)
Purity, clarity, intellect, duplication
Flighty, clouded, unbounded
Basic Interpretation:
The clear skies hold all the purity and dynamism of human thought. Air itself is the fundamental representative of intellect, thought, memory and wisdom. It is a fundamental force; without direction but able to be channeled by those who wish to focus its power. The winds of this card are always blowing, rarely seen and eternally present.
A sword, a book, quill and ink, a diamond.
Plot Suggestions:
Sudden flash of insight revealing a truth; a windswept plain is encountered that is the embodiment of rest and remedy for the travelers; a being that feeds on the minds of its victims.

The Alchemist
The Alchemist   Fire, Waxing Crescent (3)
Profound change, elemental essence, Potential, Catalyst, agent of profound change
The agent of change is himself changed
Basic Interpretation:
By use of his Science and arcane apparatus, the Alchemist changes the very nature of the matter he employs. The Alchemist is the agent of change - not a change in direction or appearance, but a profound change of elemental nature.
Mortar & pestle, gems, a book, a potion.
Plot Suggestions:
Meeting a questing magician; realization that the search is just as important as the goal; meeting a person in need of change in their life.

The Architect
The Architect   Fire, Waxing Crescent (5)
Logic, plan, vision, methodical nature, Designed
Inflexible, close-minded
Basic Interpretation:
Constructed of his own visions and methodical ideas, the Architect peers outwards intently planning his next creation. Behind him, the fruits of former efforts loom, casting their shadows upon his current plans. This cards speaks to the fruits of effective planning.
An abacus, a ruler, a machine, notebooks.
Plot Suggestions:
Meeting a group of people who could aid in the construction of a new town hall; seeking a sage for a plan to gain riches or success; a well thought-out plan beats the odds.

The Avatar
The Avatar   Fire, Waxing Gibbous (10)
Active hand of the Divine, uncompromisable, justice, righteous retribution
Absence of divine influence, mundane, spiritless
Basic Interpretation:
A winged messenger from the spiritual realms, the Avatar descends bearing knowledge and a sword. She is the physical manifestation of divine will - the unshakeable hand of the universe itself.
A sword, a scroll, an altar, a feather.
Plot Suggestions:
Traveling monks; an instructive dream; a wandering spirit of nature.

The Beast
The Beast   Water, Waning Crescent (7)
Inner conflict, denied desire, censorship, urges, sublimated feelings
Indulged desire, expressed feelings, honest expression
Basic Interpretation:
The battle against the Beast takes place not on a bloody plain but in the heart and mind. The Beast represents inner callings and urges. Although often denied, desires and feelings effect outward actions.
A bastard sword, a morning star, a club, a necklace of teeth and claws.
Plot Suggestions:
An ethical dilemma; betrayal or denial of truth; an encounter with a seductive spirit; a revolution; elimination of a vice.

Beauty   Air, Waning Gibbous (4)
Flawed yet beautiful, incomplete yet perfect
Hidden beauty, physical appearance concealing inner beauty
Basic Interpretation:
Flawed but perfect, the nature of beauty transcends physical appearance or structure.
A crystal, seeds, bulbs or buds, an old bridge, cracked mirror.
Plot Suggestions:
Locating an heirloom, accepting help from a dubious source, meeting the person of your dreams but they are possessed of a flaw that doesn't impact upon their true beauty.

The Box
The Box   Fire, Waning Crescent (7)
Fated, risk, unknown but real
Missing or incomplete information, inevitability
Basic Interpretation:
The ornate Box rests in shadow holding something unknown. Whatever is in the box - be it danger, salvation or just a dead cat - is very real, but unknowable until the box is opened.The future is inevitable, but unknown.
a box, a puzzle, a rune stone, a deck of cards.
Plot Suggestions:
An encounter in the dark of night; transportation of an unknown package to an unseen person; learning of a destiny that cannot be avoided (or can it?)

The Brute
The Brute   Fire, Full (6)
Power, might, intimidation, victory, strength, "Might makes right"
Lack of compassion, selfishness
Basic Interpretation:
The Brute snarls as he lays into his enemies with blazing energy and deadly steel. Big and strong, the Brute allows no compromise and offers no consideration for those who stray into his path. His physical actions overcome the best laid schemes of his enemies.
A powerful weapon, a sword.
Plot Suggestions:
Happenings across a battlefield; attacked in the night by relentless foes; a bar-room brawl; an athletic contest.

The Captain
The Captain   Air, Waxing Gibbous (9)
Group travel, active leadership, responsibility
Earned respect, seniority
Basic Interpretation:
The Captain denotes active leadership and responsibility. Triumphant, the Captain leads his crew towards the end of their journey. His will and good sense won the day; the end is in sight! New lands have been discovered, home has been found and the long voyage is nearly over.
A ship, a spyglass, a cutlass or dagger, well-preserved food.
Plot Suggestions:
An adventure across the sea; travel in a caravan; a band of pirates.

The Caregiver
The Caregiver   Earth, Waning Gibbous (3)
Duty, responsibility, care for another, security, recovery, health, sacrifice
Lack of concern for one's self, senseless martyrdom
Basic Interpretation:
In times of war, there are those who serve by tending those who fight. A nurse, the Caregiver, stands by the wounded; her heart, mind and skill are at his disposal to aid his recovery that he may live to see another day.
Medicine, a blanket, bandages, a bed.
Plot Suggestions:
Recovery after serious injury; someone sacrifices themselves during combat; meeting a person of different beliefs who helps to overcome a great trial.

Childhood   Water, New (1)
Youth, lack of responsibility, bliss, joy, serenity, ignorance, guiltless pleasure
Irresponsibility, simplistic delusions, lack of accountability
Basic Interpretation:
Children play, full of youthful exuberance, creating whole new worlds from the things of everyday life. The whimsy of imaginary friends, the artistry of unrestricted creativity and the exuberance of youth - these are the elements of Childhood.
a wooden Block, a toy, a feathered Cap, a doll.
Plot Suggestions:
Children playing in the streets, Discovering a new pastime, Orphans asking for help, Finding a faerie Mound.

The Colonist
The Colonist   Air, New (2)
Rebel, honor, freedom, free-thinker, new beginning
Escapist, unsociable, unforgiving
Basic Interpretation:
Humanity, by its nature, travels and bears its ideas to new lands - discovering more about itself and gaining insights in the process. Considered a rebel by some, the Colonist simply seeks personal freedom and a chance to make his mark on the universe.
A boat, building plans, survival gear.
Plot Suggestions:
New lands discovered and the potential for a new life; being offered a once-in-a-lifetime chance at something always desired; invasion by hostile beings

The Crown
The Crown   Earth, Waning Crescent (6)
Change in social status, fame, politics
Continuation of current social standing and alliances with a possible change in motivation
Basic Interpretation:
The Crown is the ultimate symbol of status. The hovering Crown on this card indicates a change in status or interaction with those of a different social group.
A crown, a scepter, coins, a portrait.
Plot Suggestions:
Earning one's way into a new social circle; election to office, defending against those who are envious of one's power or position.

The Deceiver
The Deceiver   Air, Waning Gibbous (10)
Deception, hidden antagonist, spy, gain through misdirection
Unintentional deception, misinformation
Basic Interpretation:
Smiling and friendly, the Deceiver joyously sells his wares to an unsuspecting populace. The life he offers is soon to be exchanged with death as he glibly promises the moon and stars to the rubes who believe his every miraculous word. He is the last word in deceit; the loss one thought it was a gain.
Poison, a garrote, a wagon, a pen.
Plot Suggestions:
A trusted friend turns out to be a dire enemy; being confronted with your own hypocrisy and lies; reward for a dishonest deed.

The Diva
The Diva   Water, Waning Crescent (9)
Appearance, vanity, pride, hedonism, sensuality, gratification
Physical beauty, aesthetic appearance
Basic Interpretation:
The Diva is forever equating aristocratic ideals of beauty and importance with her own self-worth. She proudly flaunts her comfortable lifestyle and indulges her senses in an effort to be more than she is.
Mirror, makeup, rich clothing, a mask, paintings or other likenesses.
Plot Suggestions:
Invitation to the Ball; a chance meeting with an attractive stranger; confronting one's own mortality.

The Dragon
The Dragon   Fire, Waxing Gibbous (8)
War, hatred, enemy, demonize, propaganda, destruction
Personal battle, non-physical confrontation
Basic Interpretation:
The Dragon is the specter of war. Its blood is hatred and fear. Its wings sweep forward winds of violent assault. It is the Inciter, and the Hate-Monger.
A flag or banner, tools of war (swords, armor, siege weapons), propaganda.
Plot Suggestions:
Coming across a battle between two rival realms; a hate crime; being pressed into military service.

The Druid
The Druid   Earth, Full (8)
Balance, harmony, appropriateness, Laws of Nature, respect
Lack of concern for social niceties, unwillingness to play politics
Basic Interpretation:
Holding a laurel and a golden bowl up to the sun-dappled trees overhead, the Druid bears an expression of communal bliss on her face. She is in complete harmony with her surroundings and nature. She does not break the land to her will, but the land willingly gives unto her what she needs.
Mistletoe, a chalice, healing plants, a jug of water, a container of soil.
Plot Suggestions:
Finding a hidden grove of the Druids; being lost in the woods for a long time and being forced to understand nature to get out; being hired by an apothecary to find some rare herbs.

Earth   Earth, New (0)
Building, combining, physical
Slow, without regard for time
Basic Interpretation:
The solid ground holds all the strength and resolve of human experience. Earth itself is the fundamental representative of the body, physical world, nature and mundane concerns such as finance. It is a fundamental force; without direction but able to b
A shovel, a diamond, gems, precious metals, coins.
Plot Suggestions:
Being hired to guard a new structure being erected in a bad part of town; finding an abandoned mine; some sort of physical training and preparation.

The Engine
The Engine   Air, New (2)
Rational thought, rules, order, unemotional, detached. Humanity over Nature.
Efficient, focused, productive
Basic Interpretation:
A complex amalgam of gears and machinery inexorably ticks its way towards a certain, uncaring goal. The gothic clockwork of the Engine doesn't care for emotions or needs or desires, it simply exists in pure, detached order.
A plow, a machine, gears, tools, a dam.
Plot Suggestions:
Being called before a vindictive judge for a crime you did not commit; meeting an agent of pure order; clearing a forest for planting.

The Festival
The Festival   Water, Waning Gibbous (5)
Celebration, success, victory, positive outcome, social interaction, a gathering
Entertainment, a break from life's work
Basic Interpretation:
The surroundings of the Festival are opulent and the mood is busy, dynamic and gay. Everywhere you look, people are engaged in celebration; it is a time of success, victory and generous happiness.
Fine food and drink, elegant clothes, a rapier, a statue.
Plot Suggestions:
A street fair; a parade; an invitation to a victory feast; meeting gladiators fresh from the ring.

Fire   Fire, New (0)
Transformation, transience, passion, destructive power
Self consuming effort, burning out, visible end
Basic Interpretation:
The mercurial hot flames hold all the power and essence of the Universe. Fire itself is the fundamental representative of the spark of creation, power, force and energy. It is a fundamental force; without direction but able to be channeled by those who wish to focus its power. The essence of this card is Power in its own right; raw, unchanneled energy that courses and flows like solar winds.
A torch, a brazier, coal, a wand, flint & steel.
Plot Suggestions:
Sudden inspiration; gaining an item of great power; a choice that will alter the balance of power.

The Fool
The Fool   Air, New (1)
Carefree attitude, unconcern, folly, irresponsibility, directionless
Stupidity, ignorance of facts
Basic Interpretation:
Folly, irresponsibility, directionlessness and a lack of concern are the hallmarks of a fool. He is care-free, but only because he is unaware. His steps are light and seem to skip merrily, but is it dancing or drunken foolhardiness?
Walking Boots, Lyre, Bottle of Wine, Ribbons.
Plot Suggestions:
A trap with attractive bait; someone acting with incomplete information; a drunken party.

The Galleon
The Galleon   Water, Waxing Gibbous (6)
Discovery, revelation, adventure, unveiling of the previously hidden
Dangerous undertaking, risky venture
Basic Interpretation:
An engine of wonderment, the Galleon charts its course through the waters of adventure, discovery and imagination. This fantastic vessel can travel any medium to fulfill the desires for the unknown in all who would travel. The Galleon reveals hidden secrets by traveling to destinations unknown and leaves behind the quickened pulse of discovery.
A ship, an anchor, a kaleidoscope, a telescope, a treasure map.
Plot Suggestions:
Waking with no memory aboard a ship bound for new worlds; discovering a lost cave; hunting for lost treasures.

Golem   Earth, Waning Crescent (5)
Synthetic, artificial in nature, a creation of humanity, soulless
Natural, organic, something which complements its environment
Basic Interpretation:
Animate, yet without life, the Golem is the epitome of humanity's unnatural creations. While the Golem bears superficial tokens of human nature and appearance, it exists outside of the natural cycles of life and death. It has no inner beauty, nor does it have any intrinsic ties to nature itself.
A lump of clay, glass, synthetic materials, a mace, a monument honoring a mortal.
Plot Suggestions:
A "Frankenstein's Monster" is created by a mage and released upon the unsuspecting village; doppelgangers invade the realm; the characters run afoul of counterfeiters and forgers.

The Governor
The Governor   Earth, Waxing Crescent (4)
Physical victory, executive, realization, law, authority, figurehead
a hollow or expensive victory
Basic Interpretation:
Seated upon his throne of Law, the Governor reviews the victorious troops and citizens arrayed before him. His effective leadership and legislative acumen ushered in this comfortable state of affairs. The war is won and everyone takes pride in the accomplishment.
A quill pen, a scroll, a treaty, a monocle, a signet ring.
Plot Suggestions:
A political announcement; victory for the community; new laws of the land.

The Grail
The Grail   Water, Waxing Crescent (1)
Object of desire, goal, quest, drive,envy, lust, pure desire
Confused priorities, obsession
Basic Interpretation:
Symbolizing the essence of the quest, the energy and object of desire that all people chase, the Grail is more than a religious symbol, it is the inspiration for the quest itself. The Grail is the cup of desire for all humanity.
A chalice, treasure, an artifact of antiquity.
Plot Suggestions:
Finding a lost artifact or object d'art; going on a quest; seeking training from an experienced master, pursuit of a romantic interest.

The Guide
The Guide   Air, Waxing Gibbous (4)
Guide, mentor, safety, safe passage, assistance, informed council
Trust of a stranger
Basic Interpretation:
The Guide knows the land well and can easily tell the poor path from the good one. Her knowledge is invaluable and her accuracy infallible. She is deeply spiritual and offers answers to many questions of direction; if only the listener cares to heed her advice.
A compass, a map, an animal's paw, an arrow, a "sign."
Plot Suggestions:
Invitation to a temple; a group of wandering pilgrims; helpful assistance from rangers.

The Harvest
The Harvest   Earth, Full (6)
Ripeness, rewarded effort, fulfillment, birth
Final effort, last step, remaining work before fruition
Basic Interpretation:
A woman in the fullness of pregnancy, holds the bounty of the fertile countryside. This is the Harvest; the time of reward for long work and dedication. It is the fullness of life, the happy reward and the richness of the season.
Fruit, a basket, farming tools, a fertility statue.
Plot Suggestions:
A harvest celebration, a birth, the community engages in the final preparations before winter.

The Herald
The Herald   Air, Waxing Crescent (3)
News, outside input, distant influences
News may be too late or unimportant, incorrect focus
Basic Interpretation:
Standing solid on a windswept plain, a Roman Centurion looks upon those who have come to hear his words. The Herald represents those influences from afar that effect us all. Perhaps he bears tidings of importance, news of a war, or simply reports of far-off affairs.
A letter, a trumpet, a standard, a royal seal.
Plot Suggestions:
Dire news arrives with consequence for everyone; a vital message must be delivered immediately to halt a grave injustice; the veracity of an important message is being questioned and the messenger's identity cannot be confirmed.

The Jester
The Jester   Air, Waning Gibbous (5)
Satire, wisdom, common sense, bravery, Truth, comedy, humor
Secrets, veiled truths, possible danger in direct truth
Basic Interpretation:
Pondering the ways of the world, the Jester sits and contemplates his staff. He has seen much and heard more; his shoulders bear the weight of knowledge that he cannot openly reveal. His jokes mask his wisdom and sometimes keep him alive when his beliefs are unpopular. He is clever, but bound by convention.
A jester's cap, a book of law, an owl's feather, a puppet.
Plot Suggestions:
Invitation to high court during trying times; keeping an important and dangerous secret.

The Judge
The Judge   Earth, Full (9)
Justice, consequence, judgment, seriousness, lack of humor, absolute definitions of Right and Wrong, dogma
Swift resolution, decisive action
Basic Interpretation:
Seated between icons of life and death, the Judge peers sternly and disapprovingly upon the convicted. He is the protector of the status quo and uninterested in new ideas. He passes judgment conservatively and dispassionately; no humor is allowed in his court.
A gavel, a scroll, a book of rules, a noose.
Plot Suggestions:
Being tried for a crime one did not commit; getting involved in putting down a radical movement; finding resolution in tradition and ceremony.

The Keep
The Keep   Earth, Full (8)
Safety, protection, stability, inviolate and immovable, plan against unfortunate possibilities
Uninviting, closed to new influences
Basic Interpretation:
The metal-clad Keep stands ready against any storm that might blow against its walls. The view from within the Keep may not always be the most comely, nor is the freedom many seek to be found here; but the Keep affords unshakable protection and safety to those who dwell within its walls.
A suit of armor, a shield, a brooch, a symbol of membership, a ledger, a cooking pot.
Plot Suggestions:
Seeking refuge from a storm (natural or warfare); building a center of community around which people can gather to resist a rising danger; retaking a lost keep that once provided for many people.

The Knight
The Knight   Fire, Waxing Gibbous (8)
Structure, service, loyalty, fidelity, follows rules, responsibility
Duty earns honor and respect
Basic Interpretation:
Dedicated to his superiors and the oaths he has taken, the Knight stands ready to joyously serve. The Knight's loyalty and fidelity are beyond question. He has earned the honor other bestow on him by his skill and loyal service.
A sword, a horse, a lance, gauntlets.
Plot Suggestions:
Loyalty is tested; an agent of the crown enforces the law; a new friend shows unexpected loyalty.

The Lovers
The Lovers   Water, Waxing Crescent (2)
Eros, love, romance
Short-term romance, "crushes," inappropriate unions, blind lust
Basic Interpretation:
Oblivious of their idyllic surroundings, the Lovers stare intently into each other's eyes. Their attraction may lead to marriage or perhaps something more transient. They believe they have found the only thing they need in each other's arms.
Flowers, candies, a gift
Plot Suggestions:
Being invited to a dance; an intense love affair; defending a relationship against societal or familial objection; finding an isolated and safe glade.

The Madonna
The Madonna   Water, Full (4)
Unconditional love, trust, care, forgiveness, family
Over-protective love, family secrets
Basic Interpretation:
Golden light frames a woman holding her child. She is the Madonna; the Good Mother. In every culture and all times, the figure of the ever-forgiving and trusted maternal figure has been a steadfast fixture.
Chicken soup, a pillow, a blanket, a cup, an emerald.
Plot Suggestions:
A characters' mothers needs help but will not ask for it; being put in the position of caring for a child; a solitary woman on a farm after a brutal battle who offers aid although she is leery of the characters.

The Merchant
The Merchant   Earth, Waxing Gibbous (6)
Commerce, negotiation, material possessions, financial and political reality.
Nothing is free, wealth can buy freedom.
Basic Interpretation:
Swirling in a chaotic blur of color, sound and smells, the bazaar is open for business and the Merchant is at home. Wheedling, arguing, negotiating, and lying, the Merchant conducts business with all the fineness and artistry of a dancer at the ball.
Scales, coins, a contract, a 2-edged sword, a vase, a basket.
Plot Suggestions:
Treaty negotiations; disturbance in a market bazaar, traveling merchants, ruin of a marketplace; potential new allies.

The Moon
The Moon   Water, New (1)
Night, female, shadow, hidden wisdom
Secondary meanings, allusions, indirect references
Basic Interpretation:
The Moon looks slyly out from her home in the heavens and peers with pride upon the night. She is the wisdom of the ages as enshrined by femininity; she is shadow, secrets and nighttime. The Moon knows that often the best way to show a good path is by hiding it in shadow.
A silver crescent, a cauldron, a candle, a lantern, a shroud, blood.
Plot Suggestions:
Meeting a night watchman on his rounds; finding ancient writings only visible by the light of a full moon; being ambushed by thieves at night.

The Noble
The Noble   Earth, Full (6)
Injustice, reward without merit, nepotism
Conceit, ego, overdeveloped sense of self-worth
Basic Interpretation:
The Noble sits upon a throne, basking in his riches and blind to the suffering of those who hold him where he is. He is unaware (or possibly unconcerned) with the price paid by others to maintain his unearned position and wealth. He simply feels entitled to his lofty lifestyle.
A scepter, fruits, a whip, coins.
Plot Suggestions:
Sudden wealth; ill-gotten power; a person abusing a position of power.

The Oracle
The Oracle   Fire, Waxing Crescent (2)
Foreknowledge, destiny, certainty, peace of conviction, Taoism
Self-fulfilling prophesy, projected beliefs, fortune telling
Basic Interpretation:
The Oracle peers into the past, present and future. She sees all that can be, could have been and never was. Her lips are tight on the visions she has seen, for knowledge can be a two-edged sword. Her revelations may not always be clear, but they are never without basis.
Censer, incense, divination tools.
Plot Suggestions:
Foreshadowing; vision of the inevitable; an oft-repeated event happening again; a stranger with unusual knowledge.

The Phantom
The Phantom   Air, Waning Gibbous (5)
Non-corporeal, insubstantial, phantasms, dreams, the dream world, actions without consequence
Pointless, inconsequential, unfulfilling
Basic Interpretation:
The Phantom's reality is visibly apparent, yet the hand can't confirm what the eye knows as truth. This card represents things which can be seen but have no basis in mundane reality.
A mirror, history texts, an antique, a cameo locket.
Plot Suggestions:
Vivid dreams; a haunted glen; remembering the past or a past life; meeting a reincarnated loved one.

The Poet
The Poet   Water, New (5)
Interpreter, subtlety,art, enlighten others with beauty and importance from the ordinary
Lost in the details, dissatisfied with the mundane
Basic Interpretation:
Peering through the dew-dappled strands of a spider's web, the Poet finds meaning in the simplest of things. What others may overlook everyday are of infinite interest to this creative individual. The Poet is a master of revealing the world to those who can't see it, subtly conveying to others the wonders of mortal life.
A poem, a lens, a pair of boots, a painting.
Plot Suggestions:
A traveling acting troupe; facing criticism for one's ideas; discovering a simple joy

The Price
The Price   Earth, Waxing Crescent (3)
Price, cost, undesirable choices, "lesser of two evils," "Everything has a price," a deal with the devil, politics
"For who's benefit?"
Basic Interpretation:
All things have a price. It might be the sweat of one's brow, a Karmic debt, or the wages of sin. All gains must be purchased and all debts must eventually be paid.
Blood money, manacles, a dagger, a contract.
Plot Suggestions:
A slave revolt; a deal goes bad; accepting an undesirable job.

The Priest
The Priest   Fire, Waxing Crescent (2)
Faith, leader of salvation, grace, righteousness, channel to holiness, holy Authority
Sacraments, ceremony, sacred symbology
Basic Interpretation:
Decked in robes of high office, the Priest stands with dagger in hand, officiating over an ancient ceremony of deep meaning and spirituality. The Priest is a symbol of faith for his followers. He is a channel to holiness, translating the metaphysics of the Universe into directions and insights for those who turn to him.
Religious Symbols, ceremonial items
Plot Suggestions:
Operating on faith alone; discovering a chance for salvation; aiding a priest in a small and dying community; a conflict between church and secular leaders.

The Prisoner
The Prisoner   Water, Waning Crescent (9)
Trapped, restricted, powerless, future determined by outside forces, hope despite grim circumstances
Outside influence forces a reevaluation of priorities
Basic Interpretation:
Lacking chance or choice, the Prisoner sits in his cell at the whim of others. The Prisoner's fate is decided by others; control over life is rests with judges, jury or simple luck. There is hope, but no power to act. Decisions are being made but the Prisoner has little say in the matter.
Manacles, chains, a single candle, addictive drugs, money.
Plot Suggestions:
A puppet-ruler asking for aid; a poor farm with hope despite evidence of failure; incarceration.

Regret   Water, Waning Crescent (9)
Regret, lost opportunities, looking back instead of forward, dwelling on the past
The past cannot be changed but current actions can change the future.
Basic Interpretation:
A woman stands looking out to sea at the ship that carries her love away. Too late, she has read his letter and thinks back with Regret on what may have been. She now knows her mistake - all she has is her emotions and the knowledge that what has passed cannot be changed.
A tarnished ring, a hope chest, a locket, a dried rose, a love letter, a keepsake.
Plot Suggestions:
Losing a battle or facing certain loss; one's hometown or family destroyed; finding an ex-lover in the arms of another.

The Roach
The Roach   Earth, Waning Gibbous (7)
Inescapable, inevitable, side effects, unwanted, uninvited guests
Unchangeable nature, denial
Basic Interpretation:
The unwanted brother of humanity has invited himself to the feast. The revelers despise the Roach's presence, but can do little to eliminate him. After all, does he not thrive on the same conditions and food as his unwilling hosts? This card represents unwanted side effects or an unchangeable nature.
Spoiled food, a bird cage, beer or wine.
Plot Suggestions:
An unwanted relation comes to stay for awhile; a wedding; a raiding party attacks; an annoying friend joins the story; an envious attempt to steal one's most prized possession.

The Rune
The Rune   Fire, Waning Crescent (9)
Symbols, metaphors, meaning, the nature of reality, the power of words to change reality
Confusion, obscurement, fiction perceived as reality
Basic Interpretation:
A dark menhir rises against a starry sky; on its surface is carved the Rune. The Rune has many meanings - most of which are created by the one who reads it. The message the Rune conveys has the power to alter reality itself through the actions of the reader.
A clock, a sundial, a banner or poster, a book, a scroll, a TV.
Plot Suggestions:
Having one's Tarot cards read; gaining power through personal knowledge; facing death; achieving a goal simply by talking about it.

The Scribe
The Scribe   Air, Waxing Crescent (4)
Recorder, safe-keeper, long-term planning, lessons for posterity
Non-creative, revisionist, arrogant
Basic Interpretation:
The Scribe is master of the written word. He meticulously records the ideas of others for posterity. Honesty and detail are the hallmarks of this man as any mistake, subjective interpretation or deception on his part would certainly undermine the nature of his life's work.
A stylus, parchment, scrolls, stone tablets, a diary.
Plot Suggestions:
Meeting someone interested in recording one's exploits; finding records of an early problem directly related to the one currently faced; guarding a researcher traveling to unknown territory.

The Seeker
The Seeker   Air, New (3)
Truth, quest, absolutes, definitions, gaining wisdom and insight
lost in the quest, a belief that the ends justify the means
Basic Interpretation:
Amidst artifacts and shadows, the Seeker examines clues he hopes will further his quest for the one Truth. He believes that there is an absolute answer and he has dedicated his life to its discovery.
A magnifying glass, a key, a Rosetta stone, a map, a book of lore.
Plot Suggestions:
A quest begins to confirm a fundamental belief; a clue is discovered during a break from the quest; a questing knight seeks assistance; a penitent acolyte wants to resume his studies; a lost temple is discovered.

The Shepherd
The Shepherd   Earth, Waxing Gibbous (5)
Responsibility, humility, responsibility faced alone, nobility in dedication
Boredom, simplistic life
Basic Interpretation:
The Shepherd stands amidst his flock, defending them from the dangers of the world. He is ever vigilant, yet humble, taking his responsibility seriously and with sacred dedication. Even if he must walk this path and face its dangers by himself, he will do so until his time is done.
A shepherd's crook, simple clothes, simple food, livestock.
Plot Suggestions:
An oath-bound person; a prosperous and hard-working farm community; a good and humble leader reassuring others about the world.

The Smith
The Smith   Earth, Waxing Gibbous (4)
Persistence, strength of will, patience
Overcoming obstacles, pride in craftsmanship
Basic Interpretation:
Persistence, mastery and strength of will are the solid groundings of the Smith. Like water shaping rock, the Smith employs weak and fallible flesh to forge and shape steel itself. Objects or even lives of great importance, beauty and duration can be forged by skill and time where raw power is lacking.
A hammer, an anvil, a forge, a leather apron, nails.
Plot Suggestions:
Patience wins out over strength; a smith request rare materials; a long apprenticeship with a master craftsman.

The Staff
The Staff   Water, Waxing Gibbous (8)
Strength, support, assistance, aid, friend, external power
a crutch, addiction, success only by proxy, dependence
Basic Interpretation:
An old man wields his trusted Staff as if to fend of the very wind. It is his source of strength and power; his support in rough times and inclement weather. Through many years, the Staff has been at his side and in his hands; always able to support him in times of need.
A staff, a blanket, a favorite meal, a chest, a strong rope.
Plot Suggestions:
Finding help in one's oldest friends; being called upon to aid one who once did you a favor; having to depend upon others to survive.

The Storyteller
The Storyteller   Water, Full (8)
Creativity, wisdom, experience, invention, awe
a performer, head in the clouds, fixation on nostalgia
Basic Interpretation:
The Storyteller regales awed children with ancient tales of wonder and wisdom. It is her creative approach in revealing the old tales that summons images, conjures realities and changes the lives of those who hear.
Books, tablets of lore, a campfire, a story.
Plot Suggestions:
Nomads possessing fantastic knowledge; parallels in lives similar to one's own; fantasy and mythic lore come to life.

The Sun
The Sun   Fire, Full (1)
Day, male, light, revelation
Obvious meanings, direct references, simple motives
Basic Interpretation:
The Sun looks down from his home in the heavens and peers with joy upon the day. He is the power of light as reflected in masculinity; he is hunting, revelations and daytime. The Sun knows that often the best way to reveal a truth is simply to illuminate it.
A sword, a staff, a gold coin, a crown.
Plot Suggestions:
A promising young man in the prime of life who needs direction to avoid sliding into arrogance; traveling in broad daylight when darkness would be preferable; assisting a priest in teaching the ways of light.

The Sycophant
The Sycophant   Air, Waning Gibbous (3)
Weakness, desperation, conniving schemes, false praise, seeking powerful alliance to earn protection
Genuine admiration and respect, surprising allies
Basic Interpretation:
Sniveling and wheedling, the Sycophant courts the trappings of wealth and power by allying himself with those more powerful. His spineless and self-effacing ways make others feel better about themselves, but ultimately are false.
a dagger, Costume Jewelry, Fool's Gold, a mirror
Plot Suggestions:
Must schmooze and play politics to achieve a goal; an unwise decision goes unchallenged; "common knowledge" turns out to be false.

The Tempest
The Tempest   Fire, New (10)
Chaos, disorder, destruction, unopposable force, Nature reclaiming the land
Rebirth after devastation, rebuilding after destruction
Basic Interpretation:
A once-strong keep is ravaged and decimated by a raging Tempest/ The strongest creation of man is powerless before the forces of nature. The storm destroys ancient stones, fertile fields and everything in its path; the only thing it leaves is hope for a new dawn.
Mirror fragment, seeds, a broken pot, a rusted dagger, a rainbow.
Plot Suggestions:
A storm destroys a city; the foundation of a church - a great icon - is stolen and destroyed; the realm loses the war; a dragon or other beast attacks.

Terminus   Fire, Waning Crescent (10)
Ending, final resolution, death, cessation, stasis
a momentary pause, a glimpse of the end.
Basic Interpretation:
Darkness and emptiness fill the air as as an hourglass runs out. Shadows are long and haunting as entropy rots and withers all around. Here, at the Terminus of all things, a person can truly see the end. The final seconds are about to tick and the final resolution is at hand.
A tombstone, an hourglass, dead plants or leaves, a last-will-and-testament.
Plot Suggestions:
Traveling through a graveyard at night; being hunted by an assassin; being drafted for a lost cause.

The Thespian
The Thespian   Air, Waning Crescent (7)
Guile, socially acceptable deceit, entertainment, harmless illusion
Snide pride, deceit, lies, illusion, unrealistic goals
Basic Interpretation:
The Thespian doffs her mask to the world, looking out from eyes that are never quite her own. Mirth, fury, fear and sadness are never for certain when dealing with this person, but it's usually just a harmless deceit. The Thespian may hide many things, or she may wear the truth in plain sight. It all depends on the play.
A mask, a disguise, makeup, a hat, a stage.
Plot Suggestions:
A friend lies to protect one's feelings; something is hiding or hidden for the good of others; honest but misleading directions.

The Thief
The Thief   Earth, Waning Gibbous (7)
Disrespect, cheating, unacceptable actions, criminal, disregard for law, anarchy
Shallow goals, things stolen, violation of trusts or covenants
Basic Interpretation:
Dangling from her own skill, the Thief reaches out to snare a great prize from the home where it belongs. She is enticed by the promise of something better for herself, despite whatever effect this loss may have on the proper owners. It is possible that this theft serves a greater purpose, but still there is no respect for those who currently own that which is needed.
Rope, gloves, lock picks.
Plot Suggestions:
An incredibly blatant crime; a campaign of personal slander.

The Void
The Void   Air, New (10)
Nothingness, meaningless, absence of life, physically empty, insincere
Nothingness, meaningless, absence of life, physically empty, insincere
Basic Interpretation:
The void contains nothing. It is absent of life, energy, time or light.
Nothing can be found.
Plot Suggestions:
A meaningless death; a loss of will or desire; an insincere offer of support; an unreconcilable paradox.

Water   Water, New (0)
Reflection, distortion, spirituality, emotion
Water - ill dignified
Basic Interpretation:
The swirling, fluid seas hold all the majesty and fluidity of human emotion. Water itself is the fundamental representative of spirituality, emotion, instinct and reflection. It is a fundamental force; without direction but able to be channeled by those who wish to focus its power. The currents of this card are always moving, sometimes turbulent but deeper than most suspect.
A fountain, a gift, a religious icon, a cup.
Plot Suggestions:
Unexpected romance; discovery of inner strength while facing one's foes; facing an emotional moment; an emotional solution to an intellectual problem.

Fortune's Wheel
Fortune's Wheel   Fire, New (7)
Chance, randomness, capriciousness, change, thrill of the unknown
Lack of ability to determine fate, "Playing the hand Fate dealt you."
Basic Interpretation:
Fortune's Wheel constantly turns bringing gamblers, random victims, thrill-seekers and joyous revelers the uncertain rewards of life. Despite the most carefully laid plans, sometimes we tumble through existence towards an unknown fate.
Dice, coins, cards.
Plot Suggestions:
Winning the lottery; losing a game of chance; facing a random choice that could result in life or death; a lightning strike.

The Widow
The Widow   Water, Waning Gibbous (7)
Loss, grief, loss of a loved one, death of a belief or ideal
Grieving process, recovery from a serious loss
Basic Interpretation:
The Widow drapes mournfully over a grave, completely taken with the grief of her lost one. She holds a red rose; perhaps in memory of true love, perhaps as a reminder of what will never come again. This card indicates a loss. This could be a loved one's death, the theft of a cherished possession, or a loss of innocence.
A mausoleum, a statue, a painting, a shroud, a rose.
Plot Suggestions:
Death of a loved one; remembrance of good times; losing hope; revisiting the site of a traumatic experience.

The World
The World   Fire, Full (10)
Interconnectivity, diversity, totality, involvement, awareness, group activity or process
Interdependence, unseen ramifications
Basic Interpretation:
The World sits atop a vast and wise tortoise striding through the cosmos. Connected with all creation, there is no need to rush; all things eventually culminate in the larger picture and this totality of image is the final interpretation of the World.
A globe, a peace treaty, a spider's web, dust.
Plot Suggestions:
Meeting people from a strange land for the first time; meeting a blind stranger from an enemy's lands who needs your help; finding an herbal remedy for a common ailment.

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